Town & Country Markets, Inc

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Untitled (940 × 400 px) (1100 × 350 px) (1500 × 350 px) (1550 × 350 px) (1600 × 350 px)


We build relationships one interaction at a time, through a consistent commitment to heartfelt service, relating to people as people (not numbers), and by selling the freshest, highest quality products available.


Untitled (940 × 400 px) (1100 × 350 px) (1500 × 350 px) (1550 × 350 px) (1600 × 350 px) (590 × 129 p


Bainbridge    MillCreek    Lakemont



Ballard    Shoreline    Poulsbo


Market Support Office Locations: 



Untitled (940 × 400 px) (1100 × 350 px) (1500 × 350 px) (1550 × 350 px) (1600 × 350 px) (590 × 129 p


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Search Results Page 1 of 1

Location for Job Posting Town & Country Market Ballard (Seattle)
- Providing excellent customer service by answering questions, making recommendations and offering creative preparation & paring suggestions. - Using your expertise and experience to cut, grind, slice and process meat. - Ensuring that products are received fresh, properly packaged, rotated and well stocked. -
Location : City
Entry Level Pay
USD $25.15/Hr.
Max Pay
USD $28.70/Hr.
Varies Part-Time to Full-Time